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There are few relationships more complicated than the one we have with money.

Some of us are intimate with our finances, endlessly doing research and keeping track of every penny. Others are more distant; they have a general idea of where their money is going, but aren't sure if it's the right move or if it's enough. Then there are the emotional ones, those who cling to money at the wrong times and make impulsive decisions.

So, what kind of investor and saver are you?

Not sure? Ask yourself these questions: Do I consistently keep track of my spending? And do I do so weekly, monthly or annually? Do I feel that I'm OK financially as long as my checks don't bounce? Do I plan and save for big purchases or do I buy on a whim?

There also are online quizzes, such as J.P. Morgan Chase's 'Financial Styles' found at ChaseFinancialStyle.com, that can help you determine your investing and saving profile.
网上测试也可以提供帮助,比如摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase) ChaseFinancialStyle.com网站上提供的“理财风格”测试。这些测试可以帮助你确定自己的投资和储蓄风格。

Once you determine your style, you can use certain strategies and tools to reinforce the positive aspects of your approach -- and contain the negative ones.

Understanding your financial approach can help you figure out where your 'strategy is most vulnerable to pitfalls or problems,' says Hersh Shefrin, a professor of behavioral finance at Santa Clara University who helped J.P. Morgan Chase develop its quiz.
圣克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)行为金融学教授舍夫林(Hersh Shefrin)说,弄清自己的理财方式可以帮助你认清自己的“战略在哪些地方最容易陷入陷阱或出现问题”。他帮助摩根大通开发了“财务风格”测试。

The Analytical Investor 分析型投资者

You're a stickler for details and data. And while it's good to be thorough with your research, if taken to an extreme people can forget to take their personal situation and goals into account when making financial and investment decisions.

This type of investor can get hit with what some advisers call 'analysis paralysis,' where they have trouble making decisions because they can't help thinking there is always more research to be done.

'They're what I call 'see mores' -- they always want to see more,' says Bryan Place, founder of Place Financial Advisors, a financial-planning firm in Manlius, N.Y. 'Rather than overwhelming themselves and spending too much time digging through content,' they should limit themselves to three or four reliable sources, he says.
纽约州理财公司Place Financial Advisors的创始人普雷斯(Bryan Place)说,他们就是我所说的“信息挖掘派”,他们总想知道更多的信息。普雷斯说,他们不应该让自己应付不过来、花费太多的时间在挖掘内容上,而是应该把自己限制在3到4个可靠的信息来源上。

If you have a tendency to delay acting on your financial goals, Mr. Place says, make a list of the pros and cons and give yourself a deadline to decide -- and stick to it.

While you may be great at budgeting, you might benefit from online expense-tracking tools offered by Mint.com or financial-planning software from Quicken (quicken.intuit.com) that can help you distance yourself from your day-to-day transactions to recognize spending and saving trends over time.

At Mint.com, you can build graphs that show how your spending, income, debt or net worth has changed over a specific period. You also can see changes in spending in certain categories, such as groceries.