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Dentsu Inc., Japan's largest advertising agency, has a commanding 22.4% share of the world's second-largest advertising market. At home, Dentsu's sales are twice those of its closest rival, Hakuhodo Inc., and its roster of heavyweight domestic clients is enough to makes it one of the world's top five ad agencies in terms of revenue.
日本最大的广告机构电通公司(Dentsu Inc.)占有了日本这个全球第二大广告市场高达22.4%的份额。在日本本土,电通的销售额比起排名第二的竞争对手博报堂(Hakuhodo Inc.)多出了一倍,而该公司一系列重量级的国内客户更是足以使这家公司跻身全球收入最高的五大广告公司之列。

Tor Ching Li interviewed Mr. Takashima in his Tokyo office. He joined Dentsu fresh out of Keio University in 1966 and assumed the role of chief executive officer this July. The interview has been translated from Japanese and edited.
《华尔街日报》记者Tor Ching Li在高达佳位于东京的办公室采访了现年65岁的高达佳(Tatsuyoshi Takashima)。高达佳1966年从庆应义塾大学(Keio University)一毕业便加入了电通公司。他在今年7月接任了该公司首席执行长的职务。采访用日语进行,以下是经过编辑的访谈内容。

WSJ: What was your first job and the biggest lesson you learned from it?

Mr. Takashima: I was first assigned to the newspaper division and my job was to obtain advertising space from a certain newspaper company. At that time, advertisers' demand for ad space always outstripped supply, but I almost never failed to deliver my clients' requests. I learned how to calculate the right amount to buy in advance from the media company to avoid a shortage of ad space for our clients and became skillful at negotiating with the newspaper company's ad department.

WSJ: What advice would you give someone entering your field?

Mr. Takashima: One should continuously seek inspiration, take an interest in a variety of things and always be on one's toes to gather accurate information.

WSJ: What principle of management do you wish you knew when you were starting out?

Mr. Takashima: Nothing in particular, because I believe that we learn on the job, and through our successes and sometimes failures are able to move on to the next stage. This is more important than having a management philosophy.

WSJ: What do you wish every new hire knew?

Mr. Takashima: It's important for new hires to understand that business is built on mutual trust, so they should have basic manners and social skills. But business is also competition, so I expect them to have a winning mindset.

WSJ: Was there an instance when you felt you let your company or colleagues down?

Mr. Takashima: There was one incident that I still regret to this day. I remained silent during a meeting at which I really should have expressed my opinion. Since then, I have encouraged myself to speak out so that I wouldn't look back with regret. In that sense, my bosses might have thought I was a rather difficult subordinate.

WSJ: Have you ever had a bad boss?

Mr. Takashima: I once had a manager who would reprimand his subordinates in public. When I was told I would have to work for him, I told him I would only do it on the condition that he would not reprimand me in front of others. We were able to have a good working relationship, which surprised the people around us. It has always been my intent not to embarrass people or do unpleasant things to them. I always try to put myself in the other person's shoes.

WSJ: What are the most important attributes of a good manager?

Mr. Takashima: To treat everyone equally and fairly, listen to the input of people on the front lines and be ready to face anything in your work.

WSJ: Would you recommend someone starting in your field attend business school?

Mr. Takashima: As our business fields expand, it is becoming increasingly important for us to provide our clients with solutions not only in the marketing communication field but also in fields ranging from business management to strategic development. In this sense, I believe there is always the option for people to attend business schools.