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-- If you are wait-listed, don't panic. Every school handles wait-listed students differently. You may be assigned a wait-list counselor who will keep tabs on your progress. Other schools will instruct you to submit information to supplement your application materials. If you suspect a mediocre quantitative score on the GMAT is a culprit, send them transcripts of accounting or finance classes you have taken at a community college to boost your skills, for example. Make sure to inform the school of any recent promotions or new work assignments.

-- Plan your exit. When the acceptance letter comes, you have anywhere from four to six months to plan a departure from your company. If your employer isn't already aware of your plans, ask for a meeting to explain. Offer to finish out any significant projects and to train your replacement, says Ms. Blackman. Work out a clear transition plan. This will leave your employer happier -- and more likely to offer a positive reference.

'Document all your work, make sure the files you leave behind are easily accessible,' she says. 'This is still your network, and your former company is still important.'