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The Commerce Department just released 2008 figures on compensation by county, with a bunch of interesting tidbits we've summarized for you here. Overall, total compensation of U.S. workers grew 2.3% last year, failing to keep pace with the 3.3% increase in inflation during that time (as measured by the price index for personal consumption expenditures).
'Compensation,' according to the Commerce Department, means total income received by employees as remuneration for their work, including wages as well as employer contributions for pensions and healthcare, and is reported by employers.
Overall, average annual compensation per job in the U.S. grew by 2.6% last year to $56,116, the report indicates. Keep in mind all of these figures are nominal, meaning they aren't adjusted for inflation. If they were, the report would likely contain far more negative signs.
Compensation was highest in New York County (Manhattan) last year, with average compensation per job of $117,509, a 0.5% increase from 2007
Compensation was lowest per job in Petroleum Co., Montana, at $27,285

Total compensation to all employees posted the largest gain in Trimble Co., Kentucky with a 94.2% increase
整体收入降幅最大的是佐治亚州詹金斯县(Jenkins Co.),薪酬缩水了22.6%。
Total compensation fell the most in Jenkins Co., Georgia, by 22.6%
The report also breaks the nation's 3,112 counties down by size into large (the 168 counties with at least $10 billion in total compensation), medium (those with $1-10 billion) and small (those with less than $1 billion).
Among large counties, average annual compensation per job grew 2.3% last year, with Manhattan at the top and El Paso Co., Texas, at the bottom at $42,730. Mining had the largest rate of growth, 14.1, while real estate/rental/leasing fell the most, by 2.3%. Professional, scientific and technical services as a sector was the largest share of 2008 total compensation - 10.7%.
Among medium counties, compensation per job grew 3.1% and was highest in North Slope Borough, Alaska, at $98,417 and lowest in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at $32,827. Mining again had the largest growth, 15.1%, while real estate was the biggest loser, falling 1.1%. Healthcare and social assistance was the largest share of 2008 compensation, comprising 11.7%.
Among small counties, compensation per job grew 3.1% and was highest in Eureka Co., Nevada - $91,585 - and lowest in Petroleum Co., as previously mentioned. Mining yet again had the most growth, 14.9%, while manufacturing of durable goods (big ticket items meant to last three years or more) fell the most, by 2%. The local government was the biggest component of total compensation, making up 16.5%.