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注意身体健康 降低盐摄入量


New York (cnn) -- First it was trans fats. Then it was high-calorie fast food. Now, the New York City Health Department is tackling another diet enemy: salt.
纽约(有线电视新闻网) -先是反式脂肪,然后是高热量快餐。现在,纽约市卫生署又开始对付另一个饮食上的敌人:盐。

The department unveiled an initiative Monday urging restaurants and food companies across the country to voluntarily reduce their products' salt levels, city officials said.

"Salt is a huge problem in our diets," said Dr. Sonia Angell, director of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. "The majority of us consume too much salt, which increases blood pressure and puts us at risk for heart attack and stroke."

New York has partnered with cities, states and national health organizations across the country with the goal of cutting the salt in packaged and restaurant foods gradually by 25 percent over five years. Doing that would reduce the nation's salt intake by 20 percent, Angell said.

Doing that would reduce the nation's salt intake by 20 percent, Angell said.

The average American adult consumes about 3,400 to 3,500 milligram of sodium a day, while most people only need about 1,500, she said. The excess sodium does not come from salting food at the table or while cooking, but from pre-packaged food and restaurant meals, which Angell said amount to nearly 80 percent of the average person's total sodium intake.
"Consumers can always add salt to food, but they can't take it out," Dr. Thomas Farley, the city's health commissioner, said in a written statement. "If we can reduce the sodium levels in packaged and restaurant foods, we will give consumers more choice about the amount of salt they eat and reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke in the process."