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Do You Dare Ask for a Raise in This Economy?


So, you think you deservea little more money for your hard day's work?


Maybe your role in a project caused a mini-celebration at a company that otherwise is sharing in the general gloom of the world economy. Forty percent of U.S. companies have announced a freeze on pay raises this year, according to a recent Reuters article. You, however, want more money. But do you dare ask for a raise now, in a waning economy?

也许因为你在某个项目上的贡献给公司带来了小小的胜利,否则你的公司就要和其他公司一样被全世界低迷的经济所波及。根据路透社最新的报导, 40%的美国公司在今年宣传实行零加薪。然而你想要更多的钱。那么,在这样的经济紧张时期,你是否敢要求加薪呢?

Here are 10 things to consider:


1) Performance. "Offer specific examples of your overall performance. Think 'made, saved and achieved.' Ask yourself what you have done for your company that will put an extra value on you," says Glenn Dubiel, vice president of the Mergis Group. Prepare well in advance and be equipped with how your performance has helped the company and how you plan to do so again in the future.

绩效。Mergis Group公司的副总裁Glenn Dubiel说:“列举一些具体的实例来证明你的总体表现。考虑‘创造、省钱和成就’问问你自己,你为公司做过的事情哪些能为你带来额外的福利。”提前做好充分的准备,准备好说明你的业绩是如何给公司创造利润的,以及你准备在将来怎样继续为公司创造利润。

2) Pay. Knowing how your salary stacks up to others can help you decide if a raise is warranted and timely. Compare your pay rate with those of your peers using the tools at salary websites, like PayScale.com. PayScale.com lets you look up the salary ranges by job title, experience level, and geographicarea.


3) Skill level. Are your skills superiorto others in the same line of work? Have you exceeded expectations through initiative or problem solving? Are your actual skills what set you apart, or are you just in the right place at the right time? "Employers don't pay for luck very often," says Ron Price, CEO of Price Associates.

熟练程度。在同样的工作岗位上你的技能是否比他人要熟练?你是否主动超出了雇主的期待或主动解决问题?是否真的是你扎实的技巧让你脱颖而出,还是你只是恰好在适当的时机遇到了合适的职位?Price Associates.公司的CEO Ron Price说:“公司经不会经常为你的好运买单。”

4) Reputation. Take time to assess how you're viewed by your peers. Are you the most talented software engineer, the best sales person, the most creative producer? Do you cooperate with coworkers to get things done? Are you absolutely solid on basics like professional appearance, attendance, and diligenceat work?


5) Occupation. In general, expectations for salaries across the board are flat. A few, though, are growing. "Two jobs with very strong pay growth over the last two years, and still good over the last six months, are pharmacist and physical therapist," says Al Lee, director of quantitative analysis at PayScale.com. Other jobs command a greater salary depending on years of experience. This is especially true for software developers and IT managers.

职业。根据预测,每个行业的薪资发展趋势都是持平的,但是有一些行业有增长趋势。PayScale.com的定量分析主管Al Lee说:“在过去两年中薪资增长非常高、并且在今年上半年中也持续很高的两个职业是药剂师和理疗师。”而其他大部分工作通常都要有几年的工作经验才会给予高薪。尤其是软件开发和IT经理这两个职业更是如此。