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The No Lock People: You may doubt their existence, particularly in big cities like New York, but people who do not lock the doors to their houses and apartments do exist — and in surprising numbers. A 2008 survey of 1,000 homes across the country reported that fewer than half of those surveyed always locked their front doors. And while people who habitually lock their doors are incredulous that others do not, those who don’t lock are surprised that anyone would be shocked by it.

In fact, just as there are cat people and dog people, Mac people and PC people, there seem to be Lock People and No Lock People. And when a committed Lock Person lives in the same building as a No Lock Person, things can heat up.

“It’s the height of naïvete,” says a New York businesswoman who identifies herself as a Double Lock Person. “I live in a high rise with a doorman, I’ve been there 15 years and I’ve never heard of a burglary in the building, but that has absolutely nothing to do with it — it’s common sense,” she says. “There is someone in my building who never locks her door. She has told the building staff to just go in.”

The condo board sent this resident a letter notifying her, “If you are stupid enough to keep the door open and yell to anyone within hearing distance that the door is open, and anyone who hears it can go on in, the building isn’t going to be responsible for it” if anything happened to her belongings.

The decision to lock or not lock is not always logical — often, it is based entirely on emotion. Locking or not locking, it would seem, has more to do with one’s internal geography than with the externals — or the stories one tells oneself:

I am a free and easy person who is more concerned that my house is open to any friend who wants to drop by than with possessions. I live in a fine building in which people know and respect one another and there is no need to lock my door. I live in a building in which we are all good friends, and if someone who has a few too many drinks walks in by mistake one night and falls asleep on the couch, it’s a good story that proves what a friendly place this is.