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You can download the latest Dan Brown novel to your Kindle in even less time than it takes to forget the content. You can equally easily obtain an audio recording of Pride and Prejudice or track a reference in The Wealth of Nations. Wherever I am in the world, I can consult any economics article from the 1990s. The prospect of a universal online library is potentially the most exciting development for readers and scholars for generations.
But if you have done any or all of these things, you will also have experienced frustrations. You can get an e-book of Dan Brown or Jane Austen, but books that are neither very old nor very new are harder to find. Bizarrely, you can easily get economic articles so long as they are neither very old nor very new.
On November 13 last year, two leading associations representing American authors and publishers put forward to a New York District Court a revised settlement on the digitisation of books with Google. The revision was the latest twist in a class-action lawsuit filed against Google in 2005 alleging that the search group's plan to build a global digital library trampled on authors and publishers' intellectual rights.
As with anything that uses the US legal system, the issue is likely to drag on for years. The proposed deal is a first step towards a global library, but an extremely small one, whose main effect is to make some out-of-print books more available.
The court case is an unsatisfactory way of deciding an important issue. The principal potential beneficiaries from the rapid extension of digital access – the reading public and authors struggling to get their work published – are not parties to the case. The dispute, and the forum of resolution, is American, but the practical effects will be worldwide.
The arbiter is a junior judge, Denny Chin. The underlying legal issue is how copyright should be interpreted in a technological context that the 18th-century framers of the concept could not have imagined. There are many issues to be debated in determining policy for a digital era but the semantics of what constitutes a copy is not one of them.
So the quality of argument falls far short of its significance. The few European contributions proclaim lofty ideals; the French and German submissions are full of windy rhetoric, expressing indignation that the works of Goethe and Voltaire should be copied by pesky Californians: they assert a human right to free access to information although free access to information is exactly what they wish to deny. In practice, since the settlement applies essentially to books in English, it potentially marginalises further the literature of other languages. The British government has nothing to say: the digital Britain of Lord Carter's report twitters and blogs, goes online to renew its driving licences and watch television, and to engage in high frequency securities trading, but has little use for books.
因此辩论的质量远未体现出其重要性。为数不多的欧洲文献宣扬着崇高理想;法国和德国的作品满是空洞的辞藻,表达对讨厌的加利福尼亚人拷贝歌德(Goethe)和伏尔泰(Voltaire)作品的不满:他们宣称人类有权免费获取信息,尽管免费获取信息正是他们希望反对的。实际上,由于和解协议主要适用于英语图书,它可能会使其它语言的作品进一步边缘化。英国政府无话可说:卡特勋爵(Lord Carter)撰写的《数字英国》报告上了twitter和博客,在线更新驾照和观看电视,从事高频证券交易,但对图书几乎没用。
The principal American contributions are barely disguised expressions of diverse economic interests. Competing software businesses are afraid of Google's dominance. Publishers fear any departure from their existing business model and so, with less cause, do authors. Established vested interests will win the short-term political battle. But the market will destroy these vested interests in the end, as has happened in music. Digital media is the future and two decades from now the book business will look very different.
What is needed is a public option. The great libraries of the past – from Oxford's Bodleian Library to Andrew Carnegie's small town facilities – have made incalculable contributions to scholarship and economic progress. These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise. Comprehensive digitisation of printed media will cost a few hundred million dollars – large enough to constitute a commercial entry barrier, so the fear of Google is justified – but tiny relative to existing global library budgets, far less the potential economic benefits of wider reading and better scholarship. The debate should move to a larger, more international forum.
目前需要的是公众选择。过去的伟大图书馆——从牛津大学(Oxford)的博德利图书馆(Bodleian Library)到卡耐基(Andrew Carnegie)的小城图书馆——为学术和经济发展做出了不可估量的贡献。这些成果是慈善和政府活动的结果,促进了私营企业的发展。将印刷媒体全面数字化将耗资数亿美元——规模之大足以形成商业壁垒,因此对谷歌的担忧是合理的——但与现有全球图书馆的预算相比却微不足道,远低于扩大阅读面和提高学术水平带来的潜在经济好处。这场辩论应该走向规模更大、更国际化的论坛。