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生命奇迹 海地16岁少女被埋半月生还


Girl, 16, rescued in Haiti

French rescuers in Haiti on Wednesday pulled from rubble a girl who they believe could have been trapped since the January 12 earthquake.

The 16-year-old girl was found in poor condition but was stable and talking, French spokesman Marcel Orcel said. One of her legs may have been broken, rescuers said.

After a 45-minute effort to extract her from the debris, the girl was transported in a helicopter to the French medical ship Sirocco.

Rescuers found the girl after a group of Haitians approached the French embassy in Port-au-Prince and said they could hear a voice in the rubble. The rescuers followed them to the site and made contact with the girl, rescuer Claude Futilla said.

They found the girl dehydrated, weak and with low blood pressure, leading the French crew to believe that she'd been buried since the earthquake struck Haiti 15 days ago, Futilla said. It was believed that she had access to water where she was, in the bathroom of her house.

The girl, whose name was not immediately available, said "thank you" in French as she was taken away from the debris on a stretcher, covered with a heating blanket.






