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丰田汽车召回 损失十亿

He estimates that the direct costs to Toyota from the recall and factory stoppage are in the 50 billion yen to 60 billion yen range. But with the indirect costs factored in, including paying for rent-a-car costs and subsidizing dealers for inventory they can no longer sell, the total cost for Toyota could be 100 billion yen.
Those estimates don't include less tangible factors like a weaker brand image, litigation risk and possible increase in advertising expenses.
东京研究公司Advanced Research Japan的分析师远藤浩二说,他觉得销售暂停可能持续一个月,销量损失约10万辆。由于受影响的车型平均每辆车毛利润在70万日圆左右,远藤浩二预计丰田将为此损失大约700亿日圆。
Koji Endo, analyst at Tokyo-based research firm Advanced Research Japan, says he thinks the sales suspension could last for a month, resulting in a sales loss of about 100,000 vehicles. Since the average gross profit margin on the affected models are around 700,000 yen per vehicle, Mr. Endo estimates that it will cost Toyota about 70 billion yen.
A Toyota spokesman declined to comment on how much the sales and production suspension will cost the company.
As of the end of March 31, 2009, Toyota has set aside 429.2 billion yen for warranties on vehicles that it has sold, although the company says that reserve is different from cash set aside to pay for the cost of recalls.
Toyota will also likely be forced to increase its spending on advertising and sales promotion. In the previous fiscal year ended March 31, 2009, it spent 389.2 billion yen, a 20% decline year-to-year as the company scaled back spending amid the global economic downturn.
Credit rating agencies are also keeping an eye on Toyota's brand image.
With more than $29 billion in cash on its balance sheet and very low levels of borrowing, Toyota doesn't stand out as a credit risk, but ratings agency Fitch last week placed the company's 'A+' rating on negative watch. Fitch said the recall and sales suspension casts a negative light on Toyota's reputation for quality.
Rival credit services Moody's and Standard & Poor's have said there is no impact from the current freeze, but S&P warned last week that its rating could be lowered 'if Toyota's brand image is weakened.'
A reduction in a company's credit rating can make it more expensive to raise money in the debt market.