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一天四杯咖啡 对心脏有益


Despite the belief that coffee can cause the heart to go into palpitations, a study indicates moderate drinkers may be at a lower risk of having heart rhythm disturbances.


More than 130,000 men and women were studied. Those drinking four or more ,cups of coffee a day had an 18 per cent lower risk of going to hospital for heart disturbances.


Those who had drunk between one and three cups had a 7 per cent reduction of risk.


Tony Blair has blamed his heart problems while he was prime minister on too much strong coffee during an EU conference - and doctors advised him to cut back.


He was suffering from atrial fibrillation, the most common form of heart rhythm problem. Left untreated, it can increase the risk of heart attack.


But the latest research suggests his doctors may have been wrong - and coffee may have had nothing to do with his irregular heartbeat.


Lead investigator Dr Arthur Klatsky, a cardiologist at the Kaiser Permanente health insurance company, said the study did not conclusively prove coffee protects the heart - just that there was some sort of link.

Kaiser Permanente医疗保险公司的首席研究员,心脏病专家Arthur Klatsky大夫说:这项研究没有最终证明咖啡能保护心脏-只是说明有一些联系。

He said: 'Coffee drinking is related to lower risk of hospitalisation for rhythm problems, but the association does not prove cause and effect, or that coffee has a protective effect.'


Dr Klatsky said he believed moderate doses of caffeine may help the heart by blocking the action of the chemical adenosine, which can cause disturbed rhythm.

Klatsky大夫说他 相信适量的咖啡因可以帮助心脏阻止能导致心律不齐的腺苷的化学行为。

But he warned that previous studies had indicated that excessive coffee consumption can increase the risk.
