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It began as just one of those niggling everyday frustrations.

But a design student's determination to end the 64-year reign of the unwieldy three-pin electrical plug has won him an international design award - and looks set to make him his fortune.

Min-Kyu Choi, 29, had bought the world's thinnest laptop, advertised as being slim enough to fit in an envelope.
29岁的Min-Kyu Choi买了一个号称世界上最薄的笔记本,宣传中说它薄到可以塞进信封。

The student said: 'I carried the laptop with me to university but when I took it out I was disappointed to find the plug had scratched the computer.

"I thought it would be a good idea to create a plug that could be folded flat so the pins would not cause any damage and also to make it as thin as the laptop itself."

Now a student at London's Royal College of Art, Mr Choi's design could 'make a difference to everyone's life', according to the chairman of the judging panel, artist Antony Gormley.
Min-Kyu Choi现在是伦敦皇家艺术学院的学生。奖项评审会主席,艺术家Antony Gormley说:“他的设计可能会改变每个人的生活。”

Just as the inventor of 'cat's eyes' for the road, Percy Shaw, became a multi-millionaire on the back of his idea, Mr Choi is also likely to win his own riches.
发明猫眼的Percy Shaw成了大富翁,Min-Kyu Choi也会像他那样,赢得自己的财富。