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英美口语 我们该学那种口音?



I am a student in China. Because of the Hollywood movies, American songs and much more frequent contact with US than that of UK, American accent seems more popular.


However, the college teachers suggest that British accent is more acceptable in the world, especially in the world outside US. Is it true?



One accent should not be regarded as being better than another.One accent is not more acceptable than the other.


Generally speaking, people whose first language is English appreciate the different speaking styles that English speakers from different English speaking countries have. I don't think anyone can say that he or she doesn't like the way an American sounds or a British accent sounds.


Keep in mind also that there are Australian accents, Scottish accents, Irish accents, South African accents, New Zealand accents etc. There are many types of "accents" in the English language. One is not better than the other. The main focus is usually on American and British Accents.


Most people whose second language is English have an accent, but it is usually their own accent.


Unless someone is living in an English speaking country, it would be very difficult to not speak with an accent.


Speak in the way that you feel the most comfortable with. The most important thing is correct pronunciation and that people understand you when you speak.


I'm from the UK and I really couldn't care less about the accent as long as it's comprehensible. BE speakers have few if any difficulties understanding AE, so it wouldn't bother me at all.


I am an American who grew up on the West Coast of the United States and have what I consider to be a very plain accent. British English comes across to me as polished, fluid and calming. I also feel there is something "upper crust" and refined about the sound of an English accent.


Personally, I think that American English is easier to understand (of course, I'm biased) but lacks the aesthetic, phonetic appeal of the English accent.


In the United States, I also prefer a Southern American accent (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, etc.) to accents used in other parts of the country as well as accents primarily used on television and in movies.


Alas, the grass is always greener on the other side...


I'm from America and I personally like how British accents sound more than American one's. I think they sound a lot more proper and sophisticated. I think American accents are easier to understand though, seeing as I grew up here.
