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So much has been made of the chemistry among the judges this season on American Idol. Paula Abdul is gone, Ellen DeGeneres is in and Simon Cowell has one foot out the door. We have a few ideas about who would be our dream team of judges for Idol.

这一季的美国偶像经历了一次评委大换血。Paula Abdul离开了,名嘴Ellen加入,而Simon也呆不长了。来看看究竟哪些人才能组成一个绝佳的评委会吧。

Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell is saucy, snappy and oh so deliciously blunt. It's going to be hard to fill his seat, but we think a good choice might be:

Simon Cowell尖酸刻薄,但是直率得可爱。很难找人代替他的位置,我们觉得一个不错的人选可能会是……

Clive Davis

He's the hit-maker extraodinaire, having guided the careers of everyone from Whitney Houston and Carlos Santana to Idol alumni like Kelly Clarkson. Davis certainly has an eye for talent as well as a vast knowledge of the music industry.

美国唱片业巨头Clive Davis,曾经一手提拔过不少歌手,包括惠特尼·休斯顿和卡洛斯·桑塔纳,以及从美国偶像走出来的凯莉·克莱森。他看人很有眼光,同时也对美国唱片业了如指掌。

Ellen DeGeneres

The reviews on this season's newest judge,Ellen DeGeneres,have been mixed, and we have a few ideas as to who might be a better fit:


Kathy Griffin
If we are paying for the funny, why not go all the way? Griffin is as a super fan of the show as Ellen and would not only be funny, but also unabashedly honest. We are so over the niceness.

喜剧演员Kathy Griffin无疑更合适。既然我们选Ellen当评委是为了她的搞笑天赋,那为什么不将搞笑路线进行到底?Griffin和Ellen一样是美国偶像的忠实观众,而且她不仅仅是擅长搞笑,说话也非常直接。我们已经厌倦了不得罪人的好好先生了。

Randy Jackson

We love Randy despite his now tired and trite use of what is supposed to be hip lingo(Really, Dawg?)If he had to go we might like to see……


Lionel Richie

Outrageous! Lionel Richie has appeared on Idol before and is tremendously well-respected in the industry. He's a fan of the show and he has the capability to make effective critiques.

曾因一曲《Say You Say Me》走红的Lionel Richie曾经在美国偶像担任过评委,而且还是业内极受尊重的音乐人。他很喜欢这个节目,而且能给出真正有意义的评论。