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  Watch the Distractions

  Dudes get distracted easily, we know this. If you have some work to get done on the computer, but can’t resist TNT’s afternoon lineup, keep the TV off while working. This goes for the radio, hanging out at Starbucks or working while sitting on the beach. Actually, that one would be pretty sweet.



  Give Work to Someone Else

  We don’t take on too much work ourselves because we’re just lazy. But we know a lot of you out there keep piling work on yourself. Learn how to delegate and give work to other people at work, or to roommates at home. Little things, like washing dishes can suck 10 minutes out of your day. Look for areas to pass the task baton to others.




  Many of us feel that afternoon lull where our head starts to bob at our desk. We’re bored with work and we just had to stay up last night to see Angelina Jolie on Letterman. We then spend the next hour trying to fight off sleep and getting refocused. To avoid this, make sure to get enough sleep every night...except the nights when Angelina is on.


  我们之中许多人都会在下午间歇的时候在桌边打瞌睡。我们厌倦了工作,而我们却能在昨晚熬夜看Angelina Jolie。我们会强打精神、重新集中精力来工作。为了避免这种情况,我们应该确保每天晚上都有足够的睡眠--除了Angelina又出演了。

  Plan Ahead

  Each night, there needs to be a moment where you review what will be happening the next day. If you have somewhere to be at 8:30am, plan accordingly. Set your alarm to wake up earlier. Plan your route to avoid as much of the morning traffic rush as possible. It will only take a couple of minutes to refer to your schedule, but will save you tons of time the next day.




  Making sure you are attacking a task in the order it should be conquered is also key to managing your time. Alphabetizing your record collection instead of doing your taxes is probably not a smart move. Make a list of things you need to do -- no matter how small -- and put them in order. You can then attack projects and tasks as they move up the list instead of trying to do pieces of projects at the same time. That just keeps you unfocused and wasting time.

