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  - Several studies of students preparing to take the SAT test compared test scores of those who listened to classical music prior to taking the test with those who did not. Those who preceded the test with classical music scored higher on the SAT than the students who did not.

  - 一些研究是对是正在准备SAT的学生进行的,研究用SAT分数作为比较量,看看测试之前听过古典音乐和没有听的学生成绩有什么差异。实验表明,那些先前听过古典音乐的学生的测试成绩要高于没有听的学生。

  - A study by the University of Washington showed that copyeditors who listened to classical music for 90 minutes while editing copy found 21% more mistakes than those who did not.

  - 一项华盛顿大学的研究表明,校对者在校对时听了超过90分钟的古典音乐后,校对出的错误对比没有听的人多出21%。