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1. His body language 肢体语言

If you haven't noticed his body language, pay more attention to it. He'll begin to walk with poise and wrap his arms around you. I know men do this when they don't love a woman, but he'll do it more often if the feelings are there.

2. His grin 笑容

He'll look at you with a big smile and the look in his eyes will change. The eyes do all the communicating for you. His facial expression won't go away quickly. Gaze into his eyes and you'll know what I'm talking about.

3. Hyperness 潜意识中的行为

If he's the calm type, he'll become more hyperactive around you. I've noticed this in my boyfriend. You'll see this sign if you look closely. Men aren't hard to read, you have to take the time to read them.

4. The questions he asks you 他问你的问题

This is the first sign you should see! If he started asking a lot of questions about you, he loves you. A man won't ask a woman questions about her if he didn't love her. His level of interest in you is increasing and he can't get enough of you. Doesn't it feel good to be with a man who loves you? The types of questions he asks aren't important. What's important is the topic of his questions.