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4. Test responsiveness. In an open area away from the house or kennel, introduce the scent of the treats. Then introduce the toys. Determine what interests the dog more. This is important because knowing whether he's toy-driven or treat-driven (or neither) will make it easier to train him.

4. 测试狗狗的兴趣所在。把狗狗带到远离房屋或是狗舍的空旷区域。先给它小零食(狗狗专用那种哦!)、再给它玩具。看它对哪种更感兴趣。弄清楚这一点对以后怎么训练它很有用。

5. Bring him up to speed. Start walking with the dog. Is he tracking, hunting, or excitedly pulling you along? All these mean he's ignoring you. You want a dog that responds to you.

5. 带它跑上一圈。带着狗狗走上一段,看它是远远地跟着你走、追着你跑还是超兴奋地拖着你走?以上那些举动都表示它其实忽略了你。而你要的是一只能回应你命令的狗。


6. Maneuver around obstacles. If possible, expose him to cats, other dogs, children, and traffic. Note if he's calm, shy, or aggressive.

6. 给它点儿障碍看看。如果可能的话,把它丢给猫、或是其他狗、或是小孩、或是丢到马路中间。看看它的反应是冷静、害羞、还是有进攻性。


7. Return him and try another. Ten to 15 minutes is all that's required for a good test-drive. Never adopt the first dog you try; four to five is recommended.

7. 倒回去、再看看其他狗狗。完成一次测试10到15分钟就够了。绝对不要碰到第一只狗就立马定下来,最好能看上个4、5只。