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1) Move fast. The longer you stare at the list, the more your associates will assume either that you know nothing about wine and you're lost or that you know a lot about wine and that the wine you order will be the greatest experience of their lives.


2) Skip anything that's familiar. No one is going to be impressed if you order Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay or Yellow Tail Shiraz and, in fact, they will be outraged at the restaurant's price. You will be punished for staying in your comfort zone. More broadly, for value, avoid the whole long lists of the most-familiar wines: American Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. A wine that is unfamiliar is more likely to impress your associates.

跳过大家熟知的酒。如果你点了Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay或Yellow Tail Shiraz,没有人会觉得你挺在行。而事实上,他们还会为这种酒在餐厅里卖到如此贵的价格感到愤怒。为了不出错而保守行事,你会受到惩罚的。也就是说,为了物有所值,你应该避开最为大众熟知的那一长串葡萄酒名字如American Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon和Chardonnay。点上一瓶无人知晓的葡萄酒,会更让你的同伴们对你刮目相看。

3) If the list is geographically broad, it will be hard to go wrong, for a white, with Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand and, for a red, with Malbec from Argentina.

如果酒单上的酒五花八门产自世界各地,那出错的可能性就很小。如要点白葡萄酒,那就点产自新西兰的Sauvignon Blanc;如要点红葡萄酒,那就点产自阿根廷的Malbec。

4) If there is a sommelier, don't be shy about using his or her help. Good business people know how to delegate, after all, and you are just showing that skill. But here's the key if you're really stuck: Once you decide how much you want to spend, choose an interesting, unusual wine around that price and then call over the sommelier and say, 'This looks interesting to me. Do you think this is a good idea or is there something else you'd suggest?' - but the whole time you are doing this, be pointing at the price, not the wine. Sommeliers are used to this. They understand.

如果餐厅配有侍酒师,那就别羞于让他或她帮你一把。优秀的商业人士毕竟都懂得如何把任务委派给他人,现在就是展示你这种能力的时候了。但假如你真的陷入了困境,这里还有个杀手 :一旦有了预算,你就在预算内挑一种有点意思的但不落俗套的酒,然后把侍酒师叫过来说:“这种酒看起来挺有意思的。你觉得这是个好的选择还是你有什么别的建议?“ 。但整个过程中,你的手要指在价格上而不是在葡萄酒名字上。这种场合侍酒师们见得多了,他们会明白你的意思。

On the other hand, maybe it's all simpler than that. We were discussing this with our old friend Mark Nadler, a Chicago-based management consultant to CEOs at Oliver Wyman Delta, and he said, 'Here's my advice: The worst thing you can do is try to fake it. There is no shame in acknowledging to the table, 'You know what? I enjoy wine, but I wouldn't begin to describe myself as an expert. So I'd like to turn this over to one of you who really knows what they're talking about.' Believe me, you can bet there will always be at least one person who can't wait to grab the wine list and show off. Let them do the honors, and you earn easy points for humility.'

另外还有或许比上述都更简单的做法。当我们和我们的老朋友马克.纳德勒讨论这事的时候,他是位于芝加哥的奥纬公司的一位专门向首席执行官们提供咨询的顾问,他说,我的建议是:没有比不懂装懂更糟糕的了。对整桌人坦承自己是葡萄酒外行并非是羞耻之事。我会说,“尽管我喜欢喝酒,但我不会以专家自诩。因此,我想把点酒的任务交给一位真正懂酒的人。” 相信我,你可以打赌至少会有一个人急不可待地一把夺过酒单并开始炫耀其酒经。把此项荣耀让给他们吧,而你又能轻松地在谦虚的美德上得分。