Simon Cowell即将受封为爵士
Simon Cowell即将成为女王生日会上的嘉宾,并接受荣誉勋章。
The pop impresario is set to become Sir Simon Cowell as a reward for his services to music and charity work.
There had been speculation that the creator of Britain's Got Talent, the X-Factor and Pop Idol was due to be rewarded by David Cameron.

But Downing Street sources denied that they had put his name forward.
Allies of Gordon Brown also denied the popular public figure would feature on his resignation honours list.
Gordon Brown的朋友也否认了Simon会成为他退休晚会上的嘉宾的说法。
But officials familiar with the nominations have revealed that Mr Cowell has been chosen after an exhaustive process in which names are proposed and vetted by secretive panels of mandarins.
He will make a trip to Buckingham Palace in June when the Queen's birthday honours are unveiled.
A Whitehall source said: 'Simon Cowell is on the Queen's Birthday Honours List. "
白厅一位内部人员说:“Simon Cowell的名字的确在受邀名单上。”
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