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  3. Improve as a communicator Communication may be the single most important skill of a manager. Communication skills can be improved through practice. When you’re trying to get a point across to someone else you often think long and hard about what you want to say. That is the wrong way to go about it. Instead of focusing on what you want to say to get your point across, you should focus on what you want the other person to hear.

  3. 更好地与成员交流交流是管理者最重要的技能。你的交流技巧可以通过练习提高。当你努力让他人明白你的观点时,你经常对你想说的话冥思苦想很长时间,这种方法是错误的。你不必苦想如何表达以让他人明白你的观点,而应把注意力放到你希望他人听到什么意见上。

  4. Get better at managingresources, money, time, and scope

  4. 提升管理资源、财务、时间以及项目范围的能力

   ● Resources Managing project resources frequently involves more than people management. The project manager must also manage the equipment used for the project and the material needed by the people.

  ● 资源管理项目资源通常不只是对人员的管理。项目经理还必须管理项目设备以及成员需要的材料。

  ● Money To stay in business, a company has to make money. That means bringing money in the door and it means spending less than you bring in. Depending on your function in the organization, you may have more influence on one area or the other, but you need to understand both. You can help your company, your employees, and yourself be getting better at managing the company’s money.

   ● 财务想要维持经营,公司必须能够赚钱。这就是说要给公司带来收入,并且收入要大于支出。根据你在公司里的职责,你可能在这个或那个领域中影响力更大一些,但你既要会赚钱,又要会花钱。你可以帮助公司、员工以及自己更好地管理公司的财务。

  ● Time The one thing you will probably have less of at work than money is time. The better you get at managing time, yours and others, the more effective you will be as a manager.

   ● 时间在工作中,唯一比资金更短缺的恐怕就是时间了。越好地规划自己和他人的时间,你作为管理者的工作就越富有成效。

  ● Scope The project scope is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget that has been created to achieve these objectives. It is absolutely imperative that any change to the scope of the project have a matching change in budget, either time or resources. If the budget is not adjusted, the smartproject manager will avoid the change in scope.

   ● 项目范围项目范围是指项目应该完成什么样的目标以及达成目标所制定的预算。任何项目范围的改动肯定会不可避免地带来相应预算的改变,无论是时间还是资源。如果预算没有调整,聪明的项目经理会避免在项目范围上做改动。

  5. Improve yourself Don’t focus so hard on your people that you forget about yourself. Identify the areas in which you are weak and improve them.

  5. 完善自我不要过度关注你的成员以至于忘记完善自我。找出你不擅长的领域并提升相关技能。