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  Anton Jenkins, HJ's sales and marketing director, said: "I don't think it's right that men who are out there defending the country in all weathers should be wearing the cheapest socks the MoD can get. With the greatest respect to the other company, we have been making socks for 120 years and have people who have been here for 40 years. That is what you are paying for."

  但HJ Hall公司市场营销负责人安顿-耶金斯称:“辛苦保卫国家的军人穿那些买来的最廉价袜子,我觉得这有点不应该。没有贬低其他公司的意思,但是我们公司已经做了120年的袜子,有的员工在这一呆就是40年。这是我们袜子的卖点所在。”

  Warning of redundancies, Jenkins said: "Job losses are inevitable, whether it's voluntary or any other method, I don't know at this stage.   
