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McDonald’s has “strict quality control on all its food,” Jacky Sun, a spokesman for the company said by phone today.

麦当劳中国的发言人Jacky Sun在电话里说,“麦当劳有着严格的质量标准”。

McNuggets served in the U.S. also contain tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product, and dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foaming agent used in cosmetics and other goods. McDonald’s Holdings Co. Japan also serves chicken with the additives, which meet Japanese safety standards, Kazuyuki Hagiwara, a spokesman for the company said today. 

日本麦当劳的发言人Kazuyuki Hagiwara说,美国的麦乐鸡也有这两种化学物质,麦当劳在日本也含有食品添加剂,是符合日本的食品安全法的。


(helium.com) McDonald’s customers in the United States should feel betrayed when they find out that the All-American restaurant is feeding them Chicken McNuggets laced with more chemicals and calories than McNuggets served in the United Kingdom.


A spokeswoman for McDonald’s seemed to minimize the significance of the discrepancies, telling cnn that they try to caterto every market.


In the end, the most significant difference between the two types of McNuggets as presented in the cnn report is the nutritional content, leaving open questions as to why the British are treated to healthier food than are Americans. To answer that question, cnn spoke with Christopher Kindall, author and television food show host. Kimball told cnn, “The regulations in Europe, in general, around food are much stricter than the U.S.”


Although the discrepancy between McDonalds Chicken McNuggets on either side of the Atlantic may not seem significant, the implications could be serious: are American corporations willing to poison their own people just because regulations are more lax than they are in other countries?

