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  Watching Precious, I was reminded of another film about the depressive ordeals of women in distress,  Dancer in the Dark. Both films are made with care. Both films contain strong performances. Both films contain a story that is increasingly cruel to its central character. I can understand the admiration for either film and I can understand the bile spewed toward either film. On an objective level, I get it. But movies become personal experiences and where I hate Dancer in the Dark and will not defend it, I will surely defend Precious. I walked out of Lars von Trier’s movie in a state of despair. I left Precious encouraged. There are two worlds here: one hopeless, one hopeful. I choose to live in the latter.



  1. kudon.([复]-dos)<口> 称赞,赞扬;奖赏,荣誉

  2. hook vt. <喻> 引(人)上钩,用计谋把?弄到手

  3. prevail vi. 获胜,占优势,占上风;成功

  4. snippet  n. (消息、新闻等的)片段,摘录;(切下的)小片,小部分

  5. make the rounds = go the rounds 逐一访问;巡回,巡视  

   6. with a grain of salt 半信半疑地  

   7. be taken aback 吃一惊,被弄糊涂

  8. bile n. 乖戾,坏脾气,怒气

  9. spew vi. 涌出;呕吐