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Most pregnant women know that what they put (or don't put) in their bodies is important to the well-being of their growing baby, whether it's the right kind of protein, too much caffeine, or certain types of fish. But many pregnant women might not know that what they put on their bodies is just as important.


Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies. With a developing baby in your belly, this is a vital concern.


The more powerful and targeted products get, the more we need to be careful about what we have in our skin-care regimens during pregnancy. While most commonly used products are completely safe, there's a handful of ingredients considered potentially harmful to a growing baby. Below, see our guide to what to look for when shopping the beauty aisle.


 Retinoids 类维生素A

These powerful substances, found in some antiaging moisturizers, are lauded for helping reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that speeds up cell division (quickening your skin's renewal) and prevent skin collagen from breaking down.


But retinoids are one of the skin-care ingredients that experts, including Baumann, recommend that expectant moms stay away from. Some studies have shown that high doses of vitamin A during pregnancy can be harmful to an unborn child.



Salicylic acid  水杨酸

This mild acid is used to treat certain skin disorders, including acne, and you can find it in a number of skin products, such as cleansers and toners. It can penetrate facial oils to get deep into pores and clean out dead skin cells. Salicylic acid is in the aspirin family, so it can also help reduce inflammation or redness. BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.

这种温和的酸被用来治疗皮肤的失调,包括粉刺,你可以在很多护肤品中发现这个成份,比如洁面品和爽肤水。它能穿过皮肤面部油脂进入毛孔,清理死去的皮肤细胞。水杨酸是阿司匹林家族的,所以它可以减轻发炎和发红。BHA,或者beta hydroxy acid,是水杨酸的一种,被用在一些局部去角质产品中来扭转老化迹象。

But salicylic acid is another no-no for pregnant women. High doses of the acid in its oral form have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications.


Again, doctors are being cautious by recommending that pregnant women avoid the topical use of salicylic acid. Small amounts applied to the skin — such as a salicylic acid-containing toner used once or twice a day — are considered safe, says Johnson.


小编注:salicylic acid,大名鼎鼎的水杨酸,居然也是孕期禁品之一。很多爽肤水(toner)中都含有这种成分,难道就要这样放弃自己依赖的牌子……怀孕果然是一件很可怕的事,并再次表示,妈妈都是很伟大的!