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  The Beckhams entered a futuristic world of lasers and mazes to celebrate their son Romeo's eight birthday yesterday. Victoria and David took their family along to the Ultrazone amusement centre Los Angeles, with the likes of Heidi Klum and Seal bringing their brood along to join in the fun. However it is quite possible that Victoria, in her tottering high heels, might have decided to sit the game out.

  小贝家的小儿子罗密欧8岁生日party主题囊括了未来世界玩酷内容。昨日,小贝与爱妻维多利亚携子到了洛杉矶的一家游乐中心为爱子罗密欧庆祝他的8岁生日。来参加生日的小伙伴年纪轻轻然而他们的“身世”还都不简单,同来参加聚会的有“维多利亚的秘密”的王牌代言人,超模海蒂·克拉姆 (Heidi Klum)的女儿等等呢。

资料图 小贝家的小儿子罗密欧8岁生日party  

  Here we come! Cruz leads the way as David and Victoria Beckham arrive at Ultrazone Laser Tag amusement center in Los Angeles
