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"绯闻女孩"大变身 蕾丝装似应召女郎


  Dressing for comfort has never exactly been Taylor Momsen's priority. And it was certainly true for the Gossip Girl star who yesterday ditched her comfortable looking boots for a pair of sky high heels.The actress and singer arrived at Radio 1's studios in London in a pair of scruffy black biker boots, lacy stockings, suspenders and a zip-up mini dress.

  “舒适”这一项选择,绝不在美剧《绯闻女孩》中的“小珍妮”的穿衣守则中放置首位。这位“朋克女歌手”又在热门美剧中都有出色表现的17岁女孩泰勒·莫姆森在演艺圈的每一次曝光都吸引着粉丝以及媒体的眼球。她舍弃了往日舒适的皮靴,选择了高跟鞋、黑色蕾丝性感丝袜已经拉链迷你裙,风风光光地抵达伦敦的Radio 1's studios。

资料图 朋克女歌手

  Heel change: Taylor Momsen arrives at Radio One in London wearing scruffy biker boots and emerges with skyscraper heels. During the interview, the star discussed comparisons made between her and rocker Courtney Love who shot to fame with band Hole.'It's a compliment - she’s great,' she said. 'The sound is very different, I think, than the Hole records, but there’s not that many females that front rock bands.'
