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  The hostage industry has become a popular one in the 21st century, worth at least £1 billion ($15.7 billion) a year, revealed an investigation promoted by Anthony Gery, the Reuters journalist。


  In August, three Russian airmen were kidnapped in Darfur. In July, four journalists were seized in Mexico. In June, a Russian businessman's grand-daughter was taken hostage. In May, it was Chinese technicians in Nigeria; in April, eight Red Cross workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo; in March, a British film-maker in Pakistan; in February, four Pakistani employees of a US aid agency; and in January, a US contractor in Iraq。

  (今年全球出现了多起绑架事件。) 8月份,3名俄罗斯飞行员在苏丹达尔富尔地区被绑架;7月份,4名记者在墨西哥被绑架;6月份,1名俄罗斯商人的孙女被绑架,成为人质。5月份,中国技术人员在尼日利亚被绑架;4月份,8名红十字会工作人员在刚果民主共和国被绑架;3月份,1名英国电影制作人在巴基斯坦被绑架;2月份,美国援助机构的4名巴基斯坦雇员被绑架;1月份,1名美国承建商在伊拉克被绑架。

  From Mexico City to Mogadishu, from Mosul to Manila, the numbers of aid workers, Western staff, tourists and locals taken hostage is rising. In Mexico, more than 7,000 were held in 2008 alone, in Nigeria at least 1,000 were taken last year, and in Somalia, foreigners are being kidnapped at a rate of 106 a month. All told, at least 12,000 people are now taken hostage each year, and this weekend more than 2,000 – at least 400 of whom are foreigners – are enduring yet another day in a makeshift "prison", not knowing, from hour to hour, if they will be freed or killed。


  The ransom profits are enormous and growing. Police in Nigeria estimate that ransoms paid there between 2006 and 2008 exceeded $100 million. Al-Qaeda in West Africa alone makes millions taking hostages。


  And so has grown up a whole industry to counteract the criminals: firms offering kidnap and ransom insurance, highly paid negotiators, lawyers, and security personnel。


  Its "employees" range from the teenage hoodlums who roam Sudan or West Africa ready to kidnap the child of a businessman or an American oil worker and sell them to more experienced hostage gangs, to statisticians in London offices keeping check on the going rate for the safe return of hostage, so the actuarial calculations can maintain a healthy bottom line. The business's raw material is uNPRotected people, what has been called "walking gold" – someone in the wrong place at the wrong time who can be taken and converted into serious money。


  The treatment of hostages varies enormously. Mexican hostages are not treated well, and are liable to lose a hand if the kidnappers think the ransom payers need geeing up. If that doesn't work, the hostage is likely to die. In Nigeria, by contrast, hostages are rarely harmed。
