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贾斯汀·比伯推个人香水 进军时尚界


  Justin Bieber is taking the beauty world by storm.

  Two weeks after announcing plans to launch a nail polish line, the 16-year-old singer is getting ready to debut his first unisex fragrance, My World.

  The "Baby" singer paired with Etoile Nation Beauty to create wristbands and dog tags infused with the scent, which will hit Wal-Mart stores on November 26.

  当红炸子鸡贾斯汀-比伯趁着人气高涨,不仅开演唱会、出书拍、电影,现在他更是要推出个人香水,向美容时尚界进发。 两周前,这位十六岁的歌手才宣布将推出指甲油系列,而现在,已经准备好向粉丝展示他的第一支个人香水系列。这款名为“我的世界 My World”的中性香水不论男女粉丝均可受用,看来小正太极具市场目光。

  Bieber -- who was reportedly "harassed" during a laser tag fight last week -- said he's been heavily involved in choosing the ingredients for the fragrance.

  比伯与Etoile Nation Beauty还将联手推出的这款香型的腕带等周边系列,产品将于十一月二十六号在沃尔玛面世。而贾斯汀称自己在近几周来都参与到了香水的开放过程中,遴选香调和提供自己的想法与意见。

  "They actually brought me a bunch of stuff to smell today," Bieber told WWD. "One of them smelled too young, too fruity. One was really good."

  Perhaps another pop star inspired the "Baby" singer to join the beauty biz.

  "I actually like the Britney Spears perfume on girls," he admitted. "It smells good."
