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中国城记:南京古城 六朝古都

  Confucian thought opened up people’s minds not only to this philosophy but also to Buddhism and Taoism, both of which would set down long lasting roots in Nanjing. The site of hundreds of temples of worship being built inspired many scholars to turn away from the battles and conflicts that were being fought all over China and look inward to create poetry, prose and literary works that have become classics.


  The literature created at that time was a unique mix of both poetry and long form writing or prose. Two of the prime examples are from the scholar Liu Xie and his text Wenxin Diaolong or The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and Xiao Tong with his text Wenxuan. These writings are an early form of literary criticism where the philosophical ideas and use of words furthered the idea of creative writing in early China. Inspired by this air of discussion perhaps, scholars began to develop the basis for the four tones that serve as the basis for the modern Chinese language.


  Unfortunately, as so often has happened in the long history of Nanjing, the power struggles that have made up the equally long history of China destroyed much of the physical remnants of this time. What did survive, however, are some of Nanjing’s most beautiful and recognizable. One example of these is the large stone sculptures that rise up on the barren land on the outskirts of Nanjing. These remnants from the Southern Dynasties were part of a now vanished yet massive burial tomb construction. One can see the influence of these few sculptures of the later Ming Dynasty that emerged some 1,000 years later.
