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iPhone黑莓诺基亚 智能手机王者之战

  Operators' powers are diminished, not destroyed, though. While they will not stop subsidising iPhones, they are waiting for a credible pretender to rally round. And non-Apple smartphone prices continue to fall. Nokia's next model, the N8, will cost ?370. BlackBerry maker Research in Motion recently reported that its average selling price slipped below $300 in its first quarter to the end of May, from more than $350 a year ago. Apple has already developed tiered pricing, selling older iPhones more cheaply. But when the technological gap to the competition narrows, Apple's price premium must do likewise, or its terrific rate of growth will slow. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

  不过,移动运营商的力量只是在减弱,而没有被摧毁。它们还不会停止对iPhone提供补贴,但它们也在等待一位可靠的觊觎王位者的到来,然后齐心协力去支持它。非苹果品牌的智能手机价格继续下跌。诺基亚(Nokia)下一款智能手机N8的售价为370欧元。黑莓(BlackBerry)手机制造商Research in Motion最近公布,截至今年5月的第一季度,黑莓手机的平均售价从一年前的逾350美元下降到300美元以下。苹果也已制定阶梯定价策略,款型越老的iPhone售价越便宜。然而,随着竞争的技术差距收窄,苹果的溢价肯定也会收窄,否则其惊人的增长速度就会放缓。高高在上的王者正惴惴不安。