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男孩先天得怪病 出生迄今从未吃饭


  A little boy has become so frightened of food and drink he hasn't eaten anything for four years. Daniel Harrison's problem began when he suffered a severe case of acid reflux as a baby. Because the four-year-old also suffers from autism, the memory of that painful time has stopped him from eating anything solid since.
  一个4岁小男孩Daniel Harrison因害怕食物以及饮用液体,自出生之日起没有吃过、喝过任何东西。据悉,小男孩在婴儿时期就患上了严重的“胃酸倒流”疾病,这名可怜的的小男孩还同时患有“孤独症”,自闭的性格加上身体的疾病,男孩一直靠“营养管”往自己胃里输送营养来维持生命。

  But experts have found no way to help Daniel. Now, in what father Kevin describes as his 'only hope', the family are determined to raise the ?20,000 needed to fund a trip to a unique clinic in Austria which might be able to solve Daniel's difficult case.

  医学专家对此也无可奈何,男孩的父亲告诉媒体,为了救Daniel Harrison,全家筹集了2万英镑善款去澳大利亚一家著名诊所来治疗儿子的疾病。

  Daniel has had numerous medical procedures and operations to try and correct his condition medically but with no success. And in November 2009 he bravely fought off swine flu which developed into pneumonia and a collapsed lung.


  Boots manager Kevin, 41, said his dream was to see his boy eat like any other little boy and that it would mean everything to the family.



  swine flu 猪流感