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  It's officially: The whole world thinks Helen Mirren is a hottie. The 65-year-old actress received a staggering $812,000 for just two days work shooting the commercials for the Wii Fit Plus, which encourages owners to shed the pounds from the comfort of their own home。

  现年65岁的奥斯卡影后海伦·米伦最近接受厂商邀请,以高达八十万美金的薪酬为即将上市的电动游戏“Wii Fit Plus”拍摄广告。而工作周期仅为两天而已。

  The company insisted on Helen for the campaign because they believe her glamorous look and svelte figure will attract over-50s to the game。


  A friend of the Oscar winner said: "Nintendo insisted they wanted Helen and no one else. They wanted an older, more attractive woman to show that the Wii isn't just for children."

  The game allows users to undertake a variety of exercises including yoga and aerobics and sets individuals weight loss goals as well, telling you your BMI。


  In the TV ad Helen is seen using the game and praising the amount of exercises available, saying: "You need never get bored as every day you can tailor a new workout."
