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世界上最小魔方 宽度只有1厘米

世界上最小魔方 宽度只有1厘米
According to the Metro.co.uk on November 14, Evgeny Grigorev, a computer programmer from Cheboksary, Russia, has designed a mini Rubik's Cube, which is just 1cm wide. The 32-year-old can normally solve the puzzle in about a minute but needs a few more to twist the delicate blocks into place on the mini version。
英国《地铁报》网站11月14日报道,来自俄罗斯切博克萨雷的计算机程序员Evgeny Grigorev,设计出一款迷你魔方,宽度只有一厘米。32岁的他一般在一分钟左右就可以将打乱的魔方恢复,但是他要多花费几分钟转动"微小的方块",才能将这个迷你版魔方恢复原状。
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