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英发明神奇"胶水" 可粘合建筑物缝隙


  Researchers have created a new kind of concrete glue - a bacteria - that can patch up the cracks in concrete structures, restoring buildings that have been damaged by seismic events or deteriorated over time.


  Custom-designed by the researchers at the University of Newcastle in the UK, the bacteria, called "BacillaFilla," could burrow deep into the cracks in concrete where they produce a mix of calcium carbonate and a special bacteria glue that hardens to the same strength of the surrounding concrete.


  "BacillaFilla" is a genetically modified version of Bacillus subtilis, a bacteria commonly found in common soil. Once the cells germinate, "BacillaFilla" are programmed to crawl as deep as they can into cracks in the concrete, where quorum sensing lets them know when enough bacteria have accumulated.


资料图:英发明神奇"胶水" 可粘合建筑物缝隙

  That accumulation lets the bacteria know they've reached the deepest part of the crack, at which point the cells begin to develop into bacterial filaments, cells that produce calcium carbonate, and cells that secrete a kind of bacterial glue that binds everything together. Once hardened, the bacteria is essentially as strong as the concrete itself.


  The researchers hope their “BacillaFilla” will improve the longevity of concrete structures, which can be environmentally costly to erect. It could also be deployed in earthquake stricken zones to quickly reinforce damaged buildings and reduce the number of structures that have to be razed after a disaster.
