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远离疾病 养成健康好习惯

5. 少食多餐

No.5 - Eat smaller meals, more frequently
Most of us stick to a three-meal-a-day or four-meal-a-day regimen (probably because tradition tells us to). While there's generally nothing wrong with that, more and more experts are suggesting that it's time we up the number of meals we eat per day to five or six. Although the optimal number of meals remains unclear, planning meals properly and limiting portion size will at least prevent overeating (and it's overeating that tends to have the greatest impact on overall physical fitness).

4. 随身带水随时喝

No.4 - Carry a bottle of water with you
It may not be the most stylish fashion accessory, but a bottle of water sure can come in handy. Despite the fact that no one really knows how much water we need to drink, the reality is that our bodies are composed primarily of water. We need water to lubricate our joints and maintain our muscles. Even mild dehydration can greatly reduce physical performance and will predispose muscles to injury. By carrying a water bottle with you, you'll never go thirsty again.

3. 充足的睡眠

No.3 - Get enough sleep
Today's working man is busy, we get that. If physical fitness is a concern, though (and it should be), today's man should not sacrifice sleep for work. Research strongly supports the need for a good sleep, but we probably don't really need to remind you of that. Every man, woman and child knows the difference between a good night of sleep and a poor one. Get on a schedule, remove distractions and plan your day well. Get a good sleep.

2. 每周运动3-4次

No.2 - Exercise at least 3-4 times a week
All the healthy habits in the world won't help your overall fitness if you sit on the couch all day. To be a healthy man, get up and get active. But how much exercise is enough? Most major health organizations suggest at least 30 minutes of regular, moderate-intensity physical activity on most days to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to maintain fitness. This, of course, comes with the footnote that more exercise is always better.

1. 步行上班

No.1 - Walk to work
Walk to the office, ride your bike or at least take the stairs. You get the idea. It's naive to think that men everywhere have the time, patience and commitment to exercise frequently enough to maximize physical fitness. The solution then is to improvise. Whether it's reciting a presentation while on the treadmill or watching your favorite show while doing sit-ups, find a creative way to fit physical activity into your day. It's the one healthy habit that will forever ensure that you're always primed, ready and raring to go regardless of what physical challenge is put in front of you.