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伊娃离婚领养孤儿 做单身母亲显坚强


  Eva Longoria is refusing to let divorce stand in the way of her plans to adopt a child. The Desperate Housewives actress, who split from her basketball star husband Tony Parker after finding out that he had been texting one of her girlfriends, wants to adopt a child from Haiti as a single mother。


  Eva, 35, who married Parker in 2007, had spoken about adopting before the break-up. Now friends say that she plans to press on – and follow the example of Sandra Bullock. The Hollywood star divorced her cheating husband Jesse James but still continued the process of adopting a baby boy from New Orleans as a single mother。

  据悉,年仅35岁的伊娃与2007年与老公帕克喜结连理,当时,两口子就打算收养小孩作为家庭的一份子的。虽然离婚,伊娃仍打算履行诺言,步影星Sandra Bullock的后尘,当单身母亲。有消息称,影星Sandra Bullock也是因为老公偷腥后婚姻破裂,离婚后收养了新奥尔良的儿童当单身妈妈的。

  ‘Eva had her heart set on adopting a child from Haiti,’ says a source. ‘She so wants to be a mother. She wanted to adopt with Tony, but she’s happy to go ahead as a single parent and is very excited after what’s been a dark period.’Haiti has become very close to Eva’s heart since the earthquake in January. She has immersed herself in fundraising work to help the devastated island。



  New Orleans 新奥尔良(美国港市)