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泰勒摩森现身巴黎 叛逆不改大谈性爱


  “叛逆少女”泰勒-摩森昨日来到了法国巴黎,出席活动。狗仔们在城市之光酒店的门口拍到了这位摇滚乐团“Pretty Reckless”的女主唱,我行我素哦的摩森依旧以招牌的哥特式烟熏妆示人。这位十七岁的女星近日对于“性爱”这个话题又爆出言论,她告诉媒体,性是“人类本性”的一部分,女孩子们不应当对此有惧怕的心理。她说:“对次,你大可不用退避三尺,因为我认为,性不应该成为人们所害怕的目标,它是人性的一部分,这不该是害羞或可耻的,特别是对于年轻的女孩子来说。”
  Continuing along with her time overseas, Taylor Momsen was spotted out in Paris, France on Thursday (December 9).

  The “Pretty Reckless” leading lady sported her signature goth look as she made her way out of her City of Lights hotel surrounded by an entourage.

  The 17-year-old recently revealed her take on sex. She told The Guardian that sex is part of “human nature” and girls should not fear it.

  "You don't have to give yourself away to have sexual relevance. Because I don't think sex is something people should be afraid of. It's part of human nature, so I don't think it should be shameful - particularly for girls and young girls."