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  Doctors at a Berlin hospital have made a medical breakthrough after capturing live MRI images of the miracle of birth. The pictures, taken after a 24-year-old mother agreed to give birth inside a magnetic-resonance imaging machine, could provide valuable new insights into the birthing process and save lives in the future.
  来自德国柏林的医生Ernst Beinde运用核磁共振技术,经过一位24岁怀孕准妈妈的允许,首次捕捉到了母亲产子瞬间图像。这一张珍贵的核磁共振成像堪称人类医学史上的奇迹,人们首次清楚地看到了“婴儿降生在这个世界上的全过程”,只是这个过程不再是在产房中,而是在母亲的子宫内。据悉,该图片的价值非比寻常,有可能在未来拯救无数人的生命。

  Gynaecologist Ernst Beinder at Berlin's Charite Hospital said the birth proceeded normally and the machine filmed all the movements and processes that went on inside the womb.They were even able to use the machine to monitor the baby's heart beat. 'We can now see all the details we previously could only study with probes,' he said. 'These images are fascinating and proved yet again that every birth is a small miracle,' said Beinder.

  “摄影师”柏林妇产医生Ernst Beinde说:“这次是一次再普通不过的生产过程,只是拍摄到了在母亲子宫内部的动态画面而已。”此外,机器还检测到了婴儿在子宫内的心跳声,在以前这些都几乎不可能的事情。医生Ernst Beinde拍摄完这组图片,仍旧“沉浸”在喜悦之中,他不得不赞叹:“核磁共振成像表明每一个生命都是奇迹!”

  Mr Guettler told Mail Online: 'The mother was in the MR for 45 minutes for the second stage of labour. This is from the full dilatation of the cervix until the head of the baby comes out of the birth canal. 'We plan to scan at least five mother mothers this way to gain more insights into possible pregnancy complications.'Both mother and baby are said to be healthy and doing well.'

  除了赞叹生命来之不易,不得不感慨这位肯为医学担当风险的母亲的伟大精神,据医生Ernst Beinde说,母亲在第二阶段的分娩过程中还坚持待在核磁共振机器里长达45分钟,直到婴儿的头部伸出产道了才出来。感谢上帝,母子平安!


  womb n. 子宫;发源地

  gynaecologist n. 妇科学家