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  对于现当红小正太贾斯汀·比伯来说,选择与心仪的女孩子交往,应该不是件难事,而且“备选”方案“人才济济”,但这就是否意味着他可以“左拥”又“右抱” 呢?有消息称,这位十六岁的歌手目前正与《魔法少年》中的Jasmine Villegas以及迪士尼童星Selena Gomez两人同时交往!难道真有此事?


  同时,Selena 似乎也把比伯当成是自己的男友了,她向朋友们透露,她和比伯在上周共进了浪漫早餐,“贾斯汀年纪不大,但在挑女友的眼光可一点也不差,这两个比自己年纪稍大的女友,的确令人印象深刻。”


  Justin Bieber could pretty much have his pick of girls it seems, and sources say he's picked two! Apparently the 16-year-old is dating both That's So Raven star Jasmine Villegas AND Disney star Selena Gomez! Could it be?

  Justin Bieber (Getty)

  An insider told The Sun newspaper: 'Justin and Jasmine have been closer than they have let on for some time. He turned up on her video shoot and they were kissing and cuddling. She refers to him as her boyfriend. She also went to Atlanta to visit him。

  But Selena seems to think she's his girlfriend too. She's been gushing about him to her friends - and they had this cute breakfast date in Philadelphia this week. Justin could take his pick of the world's teenage girls - and he's loving it. Two older women on the go aged 16 is pretty impressive stuff.'

  Earlier this week "Magic" singer Selena revealed she 'loved' Justin. Discussing her closeness with him, she said: 'I love him, he's one of my best friends. I would do anything for that kid.'