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这两天,小编在网上许多论坛看到号称“史上最狂妄的演讲”,即Oracle的CEO——Larry. Ellison在耶鲁大学给毕业生们进行的演讲。想进一步看到当时现场视频的小编开始寻找。

在查找的时候,小编想尽了各种方法,甚至采用“非常手段”去youtube查Larry. Ellison的视频,都不见这篇演讲的“身影”。在逛到清华水木社区的一个转载这篇演讲稿、并且以“史上最牛”演讲稿作为噱头的帖子时,有人在回帖中指出,这篇演讲稿是个世纪大骗局,乃他人杜撰,甚至嘲笑楼主太火星,“tooooooooo old"。

但是,这篇演讲稿活灵活现,早就被各大论坛争相转载,百度百科关于Larry. Ellison的词条也有收录。并且描述说在演讲途中,Larry. Ellison被迫带下讲坛,似乎为他接下来要演讲的内容带上了一种神秘色彩。同时也令人无比惊讶,原来号称言论自由的美国,校方也会当场“架走”正在演讲的名人。



In July 2000, an inventive story about Oracle CEO Larry Ellison bestowing an unusual commencement speech upon the graduating class of Yale University began popping up in various inboxes. Some were left wondering if this could be the real thing, given what is known of Ellison's famed ego, and because the wide circulation of the 1997 Kurt Vonnegut commencement speech hoax had prepared the way for this piece to sound plausible.

In truth, Ellison did not give a such a speech at Yale, nor anywhere else. The article was the fanciful creation of Andrew Marlatt, a writer for the satire website, SatireWire. It was reprinted (with SatireWire's express permission) on BBspot, another satirical web site.

Should there still be any remnant of doubt about the veracity of the article in question, Yale didn't have a guest speaker at its 299th graduation ceremony, held in May 2000. Yale seniors received a more personal address on Class Day, another part of this two-day commencement ceremony. The keynote speaker for that event was Bob Woodward, who graduated from Yale in 1965. (His investigation of the Watergate break-in helped win a Pulitzer Prize for The Washington Post in 1973.)

Larry Ellison is a prime choice for such lampooning because this thrice-married, thrice-divorced multimillionaire is known for living  larger than life. A 1997 unofficial biography was titled The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: God Doesn't Think He is Larry Ellison.

文章大意为:该演讲出自讽刺性网站SatireWire富于想象力的作家安Andrew Marlatt(德努.马拉特)的手笔,后来,文章被转载在了另外一个讽刺性网站BBspot上。




到了这里,事实似乎真相大白。但是,还是有网友争相转载Larry. Ellison的这篇演讲稿,并且称他为“最勇敢的演讲人”。演讲稿的“读大学无用论”也被很多人认同。

