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A recent investigation has found that there is a possible connection between a female student's major and her marriage prospects. 最新调查研究显示,女性学生所学专业与她们的婚姻前景之间可能存在着某种联系。

Here are five majors that may improve chances of finding a partner. 选择以下五种专业的女孩们更容易邂逅自己的“白马王子”。

Education: life balance 师范类女生:工作与生活的平衡

They are often gentle in nature, and know right from wrong. 她们通常温柔体贴,明辨是非。

As they become teachers, they have regular work-and-rest time, which is very convenient for them to take care of a young family. 作为教师,她们有着规律的作息时间,能够方便地照顾小家庭。

And, they could be a free tutor for their children. 另外,她们还是自己子女的“免费家庭教师。

Arts: inner charm 艺术类女生:内在魅力

Besides their creative appearance, their inner qualities are also attractive. 除了与与众不同的外表,更让人折服的是她们拥有超凡脱俗的气质。

A girl who embraces the enlightenment of art long term is usually different from one who only knows superficial beauty. 一个长期在艺术氛围熏陶下的女生与那些只知“肤浅美”的女生不可同日而语。

Economics: practical 经济类女生:实用好手

Their way of thinking means they are competent, have valuable opinions. 她们的思维方式证实了她们既有能力,又有思想。

Moreover, they can perform well in the fields of economy, business and investment. 而且,无论是在经济、商业还是在投资领域,她们都可以做得游刃有余。

Girls from this major are also experts in earning money and managing finance for the family. 同时,在家庭生活中,此专业的女生也精通于赚钱和理财。

Languages: fashionable 语言类女生:时尚前卫

Western influences mean they usually have a trendy lifestyle. 受西方文化的影响,这类女生常常拥有时尚的生活方式。

With closer trade relations between China and foreign countries, these girls are welcomed in today's bleak job market. 由于中外贸易往来日趋频繁,即便是在就业市场不景气的当下,就读语言专业的女生仍然很抢手。

Management: life skills 管理类女生:洞悉生活之道

These girls know how to manage a company and its staff. 这些女孩不仅懂得如何去经营公司,管理员工。

Besides, they also know how to manage a husband and their families. 此外,她们还懂得如何管理自己的丈夫和家庭。

They have a better understanding on the demands of a man and are able to surprise him. 她们更善于理解另一半的需求,并为他们制造惊喜。

A man who is living with one of these girls might feel a simple happiness in their daily life. 与这样的女生们在一起生活,每一天都会充满幸福和快乐。