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海底现超级细菌 正吞噬泰坦尼克残骸


  A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacteria is eating the wreck of the Titanic, researchers say. The micro-organisms, which have never been seen before, are helping decompose the famous ship at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, say the team. They isolated the micro-organisms from a 'rusticle' collected from the ship - lying 3.8km below the ocean surface- and have named their find Halomonas titanicae。

  某研究组织宣称,闻名世界的泰坦尼克号在深海中的残骸遭到海底超级细菌的侵蚀,残骸恐N年后彻底消失。据悉,这种神秘的超级细菌(微生物)还是第一次被人类发现,虽然它的“真实身份”还需要研究人员去揭晓,然而这种微生物每天在分解和侵蚀在大西洋3.8公里深处的泰坦尼克号残骸的“举动”很是让人痛心。研究者给超级细菌起了一个学名“盐单胞菌属泰坦尼克号杀手”(H. titanicae )。

  The researchers from Dalhousie University, Canada and the University of Sevilla, Spain, say the bacterium could pose a new microbial threat to the exterior of ships and underwater metal structures such as oil rigs. The researchers, who published their findings in the latest issue of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, also tested the rusting ability of the bacteria。


  'This could be useful in the disposal of old naval and merchant ships and oil rigs that have been cleaned of toxins and oil-based products and then sunk in the deep ocean.' They believe that the findings have opened up further areas of research that could be applied elsewhere. 'Finding answers to these questions will not only better our understanding of our oceans, but may also equip us to devise coatings that can prevent similar deterioration to our metal structures.'
