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比萨斜塔"扶正"成功 可再屹立200年


 We all tend to stand that little bit straighter after a good wash and brush-up. And that includes the not-quite-so-Leaning Tower of Pisa. As well as cleaning centuries of grime from the Tuscan landmark, restorers helped stabilise its tilt by removing soil from beneath one side of its foundations. Its angle was previously 5.5 degrees from the perpendicular, but is now only 3.99 degrees off straight. Experts say the seven-storey bell tower should now be safe from further intervention for at least the next 200 years。


  The reason for the 183ft building’s lean is believed to be shallow foundations of only 10ft, coupled with weak, unstable sub-soil. ‘It was on the verge of collapse, but we managed to stop the tilt and secure it,’ said a spokesman. Using lasers, chisels and syringes, the restoration team took eight years and three months to clean the 24,424 blocks of stone。


  The man in charge, Anton Sutter, said: ‘The stones were in an appalling state, mainly due to air pollution, though tourists and pigeons played a part. 'We've taken out the concrete used in past restorations and cleaned up the pigeon dirt, graffiti and hand-prints left by tourists as they struggle to keep their balance while climbing the winding stairs to the top.'

  负责维修的工程人员Anton Sutter在分析比萨斜塔的倾斜原因说:“碎石是主要原因,同时空气污染、游客量也超过了斜塔承受的范围,还有鸽子也是造成斜塔倾斜过度的原因,因为鸽子的粪便会腐蚀斜塔砖壁,使得砖头松动。”此外,在维修过程中,工作人员还运用传统的建筑材料水泥进行固定,同时清理鸽子粪便以及游客在塔壁表面涂鸦,力求减少斜塔的倾斜程度。