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法男子建婚外情网 用偷情拯救婚姻


  According to the Yahoo news on December 13, a young Frenchman is to launch his extramarital dating website in the "puritan" US


  Teddy Truchot, 27, an engineer by training, launched "French touch" Gleeden.com in France in 2009. Today his site has over half-a-million members, mainly in Europe, of which almost 250,000 are in France, a country with a historical reputation for infidelity, but by no means an extramarital monopoly.

  27岁的泰德 楚卓曾接受过工程师培训,去年他在法国成立了充满法式情调的“欢乐伊甸园”网站。至今已有50多万人注册,大部分是欧洲人,但在法国就有25万名会员。法国人素以不忠而“闻名”,绝不被一次婚姻所牵绊。

  Its success is a sign of the changing mores of our times, Truchot said, empowering financially emancipated women who are less afraid of the potential repercussions of seeking a bit on the side.
