俄时尚新军装 够潮不够暖
俄罗斯军人在换上了颇为时尚笔挺的新军装后麻烦随之而来。据悉,因为新军装材质太薄无法抵御俄罗斯冬季持续不断的严寒,目前已造成数百名官兵生病住进医院。新款军装由顶级时装大师设计,样式优美,线条流畅,很有当年沙皇军队鼎盛时期的“遗风”。同时,新款作训服也更加轻便,并配有更适于官兵活动的轻便型靴子,只是防寒能力大不如前。俄罗斯军队联合参谋部官员称, 这种新军装的“礼服版”是2008年后下发给官兵的,因没有及时接到官兵提供的反馈信息,故而对今年冬天的严寒“准备不足”。一些官兵的家人抱怨说,他们的孩子穿新军装在外执勤的感觉“跟裸体站岗差不多”。
Russia's sharp new military uniforms, created by a top fashion designer, have landed hundreds in hospital after proving too thin to withstand ferocious winter cold, a state daily said Wednesday.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that between 60 and 250 servicemen have been laid up with everything from flu to pneumonia as Arctic chills sweep through the country's northern reaches.

"They literally felt naked outside," the paper quoted the mother of one solider as saying. "Many of them ended up in hospital. Ours developed pneumonia," she said of her son.
The government daily said defense officials have admitted not receiving complaints about the uniforms in time to do anything ahead of the winter season.
"It seems that all this happened because of slovenliness on our part," Joint Staff General Nikolai Makarov told the daily.
Introduced in 2008, the parade uniforms designed by fashion celebrity Valentin Yudashkin are threaded with gold and more shapely and chic, in a throwback to the uniforms of the imperial Tsarist army.
The field versions, meanwhile, are lighter and come with thinner but more mobile boots.
Russia designed its first post-Soviet uniform in the 1990s, but it was unpopular with officers who complained that it made them look like they were serving in a Third World army.
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