Iphone推新软件 让用户变身政府间谍
It claims to be a handy way to make you a ‘better citizen’.But a new app for the iPhone has been condemned by critics who claim it is turning mobile users into a network of government spies。
The PatriotApp links your phone to American security and law enforcement agencies via the Internet and allows you to report anything you want at the touch of a button.By simply pressing the relevant icon, users can sound the alarm for terrorism, ‘suspicious activity’, a health pandemic or an environmental safety issue.The $0.99 app, named after the controversial Patriot Act brought in by the U.S. government after 9/11, is designed to ‘encourage active citizen participation in the War on Terror and in protecting their families and surrounding communities’, its makers Citizen Concepts claim.But critics say it is like putting Big Brother in the palm of your hand and could easily be open to abuse by those with questionable agendas。
The app works by making a direct link between your phone and law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and the Environmental Protection Agency。
The software also links up to your Facebook and Twitter page meaning you can post alerts on there if needed。
There are options to report ‘government waste’ and a forum for employee whistleblowers whilst other features include a shortcut to the FBI’s Most Wanted Internet page, in case you think you see a suspect out and about.Citizen Concepts claim that the app will allow citizens to record and reports issues of National Security, government waste, white collar crime, workplace harassment, discrimination, and public health concerns。
软件在与例如联邦调查局或环境保护署直接联系的同时,还会自动更新用户的社交网络,发布警告。如果你撞见了可疑人士,你甚至可以查看 FBI的头号通缉翻的资料进行比对。研发小组称软件为公民提供了机会,记录与上报诸如国家安全,政府浪费,商业犯罪,职场骚扰,歧视和公共健康等方面的事项。
But since its announcement, technology bloggers and commentators have savaged the company’s motives.Technology blog Infowars.com wrote that it was little more than the launch of the ‘iPhone snitch network’.‘An app like this is meant to solidify the climate of fear in which our leaders want us to exist,’ they wrote.On Mobilecrunch, Ashley commented: ‘It really does sound like big brother is watching you!’
And on InfoTech.com Erin Monda said: ‘While I suppose this level of connectivity would be helpful, I am deeply cautious about what a degree of overzealousness might lead to。
‘It’s not 1984 yet - thankfully - but there may still be cause for concern.’
不过也有不少科技博客主和评论人士对于开发小组的意图与目的提出了质疑。有网友称“这样的软件知识为了散步和制造恐怖的气氛,这样整迎合了政客的想法。这种感觉便像是随时有人在监视你一样。”另一位博客主我认为保持这样联系程度是有益的,不过我很担心,就此将引发人们过度的‘头脑发热 ‘。尽管有不少方面需要注意,但谢天谢地,现在已经不是1984年了。
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