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  Perched on the very edge of a balcony, he gestures wildly, shouting at the politicians in the chamber below. Seconds later, television engineer Adrian Sobaru hurls himself from the parapet of Romania's parliament. Helpless observers can only watch in horror as the father-of-two, wearing a white T-shirt proclaiming 'You've pierced us. You've killed our children's future. Freedom,' plummets 23ft the ground。


  Footage of the incident recorded a loud thud as he hit the floor but, astonishingly, Sobaru was not seriously injured. As emergency medical workers took him out on a stretcher, Sobaru shouted 'Freedom!' echoing cries of the 1989 revolution that brought down the Communism when more than 1,300 people died. He is now in hospital with facial wounds awaiting surgery. Medics said he would also have psychological counselling。

  记者了解到,这名选择“国会自杀”的男子Adrian Sobaru是残障儿子的父亲,同时也是罗马尼亚国家电视台的一名普通的电工,因为政府紧缩政策,他为儿子领取的补助大大缩水,该男子选择了用“跳楼”的方式来表达自己的不满。幸运的是,男子在经过紧急送医后,只是面部骨折,脱离了生命危险。“英勇”自杀的瞬间被记者用镜头完整捕捉下来,既惊悚、又能感到一丝悲凉。据悉,罗马尼亚近年来经济低迷,政府为降低预算,宣布了诸多紧缩政策,其中包括公务员减薪四分之一等。民众对政府举措极为不满。