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世界最小圣诞贺卡诞生 "细"如头发


  'The card is 200 micro-metres wide by 290 micro-metres tall. To put that into some sort of perspective, a micro-metre is a millionth of a metre; the width of a human hair is about 100 micro-metres.The university's school of engineering drew up the design to highlight its 'world-leading' nanotechnology expertise. A total of 8,276 of the cards could be placed on an area the size of a stamp. Professor David Cumming and Dr Qin Chen etched the Christmas tree image on to a minute piece of glass.


  'You could fit over half a million of them on to a standard A5 Christmas card - but signing them would prove to be a bit of a challenge.'Although the Christmas card example is a simple demonstration, the university said the underlying technology has important real-world applications.
