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  Dentists claimed that massive debt and deficit problems in Ireland have left the country with an increasing number of cases of teeth-grinding。


  One in five people will grind their teeth due to anxiety, excessive smoking, alcohol use and the consumption of too much coffee, according to experts. But dentists found there are more people with bruxism in Ireland。


  "While we don't have exact figures I know from my own practice and from talking to other dentists that there has been a substantial increase in the number of patients suffering from this condition," said Dermot Canavan of the Irish Dental Association. "From talking to patients it is clear many are facing severe financial pressure."

  “我们没有准确数据,据我个人的实践以及与同行的经验交流,发现爱尔兰患磨牙症的人越来越多,”爱尔兰牙科协会的德莫特 卡纳瓦医生说。“从和患者聊天来看,很明显,许多人都面临着严重的财政压力。”

  Ireland's economy has been hammered by the international financial crisis and the government has brought in a series of severe austerity budgets that have slashed spending and increased taxes. In addition, Ireland had to seek an 85 billion euros ($112 billion) rescue package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund。

  受国际金融危机的影响,爱尔兰经济遭受重创。为此,爱尔兰政府已采取了一系列财政紧缩政策,包括增加税收和削减开支。此外,爱尔兰不得不向欧盟和国际货币基金组织寻求850亿欧元 (1120亿美元) 的救援计划。